The last installment of the Guardians trilogy finally graced us with its presence through its
first trailer late this week. If you've been a strong follower of the trilogy you may have sensed a heavier feeling during the trailer.
We last saw our Guardians in the Christmas special on Disney+, where we learned Mantis was Quill's step sister. Before that however, we haven't seen them since Endgame. In Endgame, the Gamora we knew was killed by Thanos, which has left Quill in a sad place.

There are some new faces in the trailer that we haven't seen before, and getting to know them might help us understand what this movie might intel for MCU fans when we see it in May of next year. The High Evolutionary, played by Chukwudi Iwuji, made his entrance in the trailer where we caught a few glimpses of his MCU story. This guy (according to the comics) is a British mad scientist who alters genetics. In the comics, the High Evolutionary creates creatures called New Men, animals that look like humans, who we might've seen in the trailer. This guy gets tangled up in the comics with the Eternals, the Celestials, the Hulk, and Thor. So, who knows what will be tied together in the MCU in this movie? The trailer hints that he may be responsible for what happened with Rocket, helping us peel off another layer of Rocket's past.

And speaking of Rocket's past, we were introduced to his soulmate in the trailer! Yes, the Otter in the trailer is Lady Lylla, an heiress to the largest toymaking empire. In the comics, the two joined forces and tried to kill Lylla's toy rival. Putting this much effort into Rocket's story might also mean a sad ending for him though, and none of us are ready to see our favorite trash panda exit the MCU.
Another new face we saw was Adam Warlock, played by Will Poulter. Our first tease of him came at the end credit scene of Guardians 2. The leader of those gold-looking people who try to take down the Guardians, was creating Adam. So far, the MCU's version of Adam (based on the trailer) and the comics version of Adam don't quite line up so we'll see where this all plays.
Finally, we hear the all-powerful phrase "we are Groot" from our new Groot. Again, whenever Groot says that, something emotional is happening because he's now matured enough to understand unity and friendship.
Come May, we will get our last look at James Gunn's Guardians, with an end to what may be the best trilogy in the MCU.
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