First Episode of She-Hulk Review From a Female Marvel Fan

If you haven't been reading the mainstream reviews for the first episode of She-Hulk: Attorney At Law I can narrow them down: It's not very good. The funny thing is, according to, males over 30 were giving the episode a 1-star rating, whereas women between the ages of 18-30, gave it high reviews. I'm just barely out of that demographic so let me give you my hot take if you're interested. 

For full transparency, I'm watching this series for Charlie Cox's, Daredevil who will eventually appear in the series. I might love him more than Captain America, which is saying a lot. But I'll still watch the series to stay in the loop and see if Marvel will entice me with a series that will be better than the three major ones from 2021 ie. Loki, WandaVision, and Captain America and The Winter Soldier. I liked Hawkeye and Moon Knight, and I thought Ms. Marvel had some charm, but what are my thoughts of the first episode on She-Hulk, after watching it twice in a day...? 

I liked it more, the second time. 

First, I really like that Jennifer was someone you might know already, because her personality is familiar. She was down to earth and had a fun spirit about her. I also thought Tatiana Maslany did a great job not being comical when she expressed how she was feeling as a woman. I feel like when comedies do it, they downplay that women can be genuinely annoyed or angry and are only controlled by hormones. This is not to say they didn't have fun showing that she can get hangry, because she's human and we all do!

Second, when I first watched it, I was went in having heard (not read) the review of the episode. So I assumed everything I was watching was bull, and they were trying to pull what I felt Marvel did wrong with Captain Marvel - making a woman ultra powerful with little personality. Jennifer still showed her feminine side, and she had a relatable personality. She was a gal pal you want to hang out with. Why Wonder Woman worked for so many people is that her personality was relatable and charming, whereas Carol Danvers you couldn't relate to because all that movie threw in your face was that she's ultra strong and better than the boys, and doesn't allow her to have much of a personality.  

Third, I love that she didn't have to be better than Bruce to be likable. The scene when she's explaining to Bruce why she is better at controlling her anger was perfect. I loved that it was a variety of reasons that women can relate to. The show did a good job not making her any better or less than Bruce, just a different kind of Hulk because as she says in the show she's "...a different person!" 

Fourth, why I might like this show more than, Ms. Marvel, in the end is that it's not targeted towards teenagers, and targeted towards a demographic like mine - full time working women in a corporate world. I'm lucky I don't have overpowering male bosses, in fact, most of my managers are women, but I have had my fair share of mansplainers in my life. The training to be a Hulk scene was perfect as Bruce was trying to tell her how to live her new life as a Hulk when she only needed a few tips because she was just clearly different, not any better or worse. Bruce will always be my main Hulk and as a Marvel fan I don't need a better Hulk, I want a Hulk with their own character development and story. 

Overall, I like where it is going. The fourth wall breaking was a little awkward the second time, and some of the jokes were a bit corny but it's two Hulks, what're you gonna do? As long as they allow Jennifer to show her personality and don't make the same mistake they did with Captain Marvel, this show will become a favorite of mine. 


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