Who is Ben Poindexter? And why should come back to the MCU?

 Now, I'm sure you're wondering why we're talking about this guy. He didn't show up till the third season and he may not be in the future of the MCU, but he really should, and not just because he's played by Wilson Bethel (who is super attractive) but because he's such good villain for our grounded heroes.    

In short: Ben Poindexter is a guy with diagnosed psychopathic tendencies trying hard to be a good person. He has amazing fighting skills, amazing aim, and can kill anyone with pretty much any object. 

Ben Poindexter parents left him at a young age and they never taught him right from wrong, really setting him up for success as a murder. He's put into an orphanage where he joins a baseball team learning that he has a knack for aim as a pitcher. During a great game, the coach decides to pull him out to let the other kids have a chance to pitch but Young Ben truly believes that if he pitches a perfect game, his parents will come back. Upset from getting taken out, young Poindexter feels like the coach betrayed him. Out of anger, Ben throws a baseball that ricochets off a pole and hits his coach killing him instantly. 

Ben is then sent to work with a psychiatrist who tells him he needs someone in his life to be a good example and Ben chooses his psychiatrist. He joins the U.S. Army, then goes on to help in a suicide prevention center, then is hired by the FBI. While working at the suicide prevention center, he meets a girl named Julie who he becomes obsessed with, to the point where he stalks her, knowing her schedule and everything about her. Eventually, his psychiatrist dies and Julie becomes his new north star. Julie is then killed by Fisk (unknown to Poindexter) and then Fisk becomes his north star, which eventually leads to his downfall - getting fired from the FBI and eventually becoming paralyzed. 

When he becomes paralyzed, a doctor agrees to do an experimental surgery on him basically giving him a new spine. This is where the series leaves off. 

Poindexter is a very compelling villain. As you watch the series, you learn that he really just wants to be loved but because of his mental illness, he has a hard time doing it the right way. You have a bit of sympathy for him, and you're rooting that he overcomes his issues and comes out a hero, because on the surface he seems like a great guy. Ben is also a great match for Matt Murdock, he's ruthless, has amazing aim, and has nothing to lose, and I feel like he and Matt have some more fighting to do. 

In the comics, Poindexter AKA Bullseye actually kills Elektra (Matt's girlfriend) with a playing card. And while Matt leaves New York, he dawns the Daredevil uniform and plays Robin Hood, while working as an assassin, even killing Karen Page. I mean, if the MCU follows his comic storyline, he could continue to be a compelling villain... I really hope they do. 


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