Who is Thena? - The Eternals

This is Thena, who is frequently confused as Athena in the comics, and who is played by Angelina Jolie in the upcoming film.

Azura's (Thena's father) is the leader of the Eternals, and long ago made a pact with Zeus that the Eternals would be representatives of the Greek gods to humans. To seal the deal, Azura changed her name to Thena so she and her father would be a reflection of Zeus and Athena. Obviously, this wasn't a great idea and humans started to think Eternals were actual gods and not just representatives and that made the Greek gods mad at the Eternals which ended up starting a war (that only lasted a day) and now the gods and Eternals are at peace. 

Thena has gotten around, as she was in a relationship with Kro, a deviant, and more, and they all had major red flags. She ran into Kro many times, even got pregnant with twins who she gave up to a human. 

When her memory was wiped by Sprite, Thena was a researcher at Stark Industries, a wife to Thomas Eliot, and a mother to Joey. When she learned that that whole life was a lie, she had a hard time letting go of her son but because he was mortal it made things very complicated. But she swore she would take care of her son till he passed from old age - which she did. 

So much more happens, including her running into Thanos again with the Eternals, her looking into her father's death (who is eventually resurrected) which creates another problem for the Eternals and they have to figure out how to become Deviants. That story is for another time though. 


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