Who is Sersi? - The Eternals

Sersi is one of the Eternals - known as the fun one but is really good at heart. In the comics, she helped the Avengers but obviously, we never saw her do it in the MCU (or did we?) but now we get to meet her in theaters on November 5th.

In the beginning, Sersi had her own little island called Aeaea (sounds like something a baby named) and she really liked to mess with the Greek god Odysseus and turned his whole crew into pigs!  Athena got involved in there though and so Sersi backed off and turned Odysseus's team back into humans. 

Fast forward to modern times - she becomes famous for the parties in New York City and does so by becoming rich! Her parties killed because she'd use her power to entertain her guests with what they thought were just magic tricks but what were really her superpowers. A lot of famous people attended them and she flirted with many men, including our own Captain America, and Black Knight who we haven't met yet in the MCU. 

If you remember the blog post I originally did about The Eternals, we know that Sprite messed with the other Eternals and wiped their memories. Her memory of working with the Avengers was also wiped. As time goes on she slowly discovers her powers and uses them to become wealthy and starts to build a life with another Eternal, Makkari, and the two start to regain their powers and get more involved with the Eternals again. 

I want to keep the movie fresh for everyone so I don't think I'll go into further detail about what happens after, just in case. But is anyone else super excited for The Eternals like me? 

Look for future blogs on the other Eternals!


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