Who is Druig? - The Eternals

Oh dear, we've reached Druig. Here we go. 

Druig is the rebellious Eternal, he's really like Loki. He has his own agenda, really looking for power, and you're not exactly sure if he's doing the right thing or the wrong thing when he's working with the Eternals. But basically, he's really just the Loki of the Eternals.

Druig likes to hang around Russia, and at one point was actually a KGB agent! But when Sprite decided to wipe out all the memories making the Eternals believe they were just human, he became a Prime Minister of Vorozhekia, which is actually a former Soviet Republic, so he's just always in that area. 

He goes to a party in NYC where he plans to sabotage everything but little does he know other Eternals are all the party (who also have their memory wiped) and that's where he discovers his powers again. He's still not a great Eternal though, so even though he agrees to help the Eternals with a certain problem he agrees to do it if the Eternals don't mess with Vorozhekia. After helping though, he used his political powers to seek out the other Eternals who haven't discovered their powers yet before Ikaris gets to them. 


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