Who is Ajak? - The Eternals

Well, we met the fun Eternal, the adventurous one, the smart one, now we're meeting the spiritual and wise one - Ajak. But her powers are more than just that, she can talk to the other Eternals telepathically and fly, in fact, the Inca's called him (at this point Ajak was a boy) Tecumotzin which means "lord of flight." 

Fast forward, Ajak becomes friends with an archeologist named Dr. Daniel Damian who learned all about the Eternals and eventually turned Ajak into a monster and sent him to kill Thena and Kro's twin babies. In doing this, the monster Ajak killed a lot of twins and when he was returned to his Eternal form, he was so grief stricken by what he had done that he turned himself to dust. Choose your friends wisely people. 

Of course, Ajak was resurrected later by the child Eternal Sprite who she tricked into helping him make the Eternals human and helping him access the Sleeping Celestial. (At some point I need to blog about this Sleeping Celestial). Ajak then became jealous of Makkari because the Sleeping Celestial liked him more and tried to have him killed but failed of course. 

MUCH later, Ajak and the other Eternals all end up at Olympia, and they all go mad - trying to kill each other or kill themselves because they learned that their purpose was to cultivate humanity to use against the Horde (these giant bug things). Ajak dies and after that is resurrected as a woman. 

Ajak really had it tough, didn't she? Well, hopefully, things turn out better in The Eternals. 



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