Over and over again: Hocus Pocus

Guys, I've been watching this movie in October for as long as I can remember, in fact, I would've been two years old when this movie came out. Sorry to make you feel old Bette Midler. This year though my kid has been watching this movie every day since I showed it to them earlier this month. Now that I'm older, have had time to watch it over and over again, I now have many questions about this movie. 

At the very beginning of the movie, Thackery Binx as a human, tells his friend (what appears to be early in the morning), "wake my father, summon the others now!"  He then goes chasing after Emily who is being kidnapped by the Sanderson sisters and tries to save her. By the end of all this after he is turned into a cat and Emily has passed, FINALLY, his dad and the other neighbors show up with torches and pitchforks and it's clearly nighttime. What were they doing all day? And even if it wasn't all day, that freakin dad took quite a while to be like "Oh dang my kids are in danger!" The stroll through the field, down the hill, and to the witch's house shouldn't have taken 20 minutes. Just sayin. How innocent are their parents? 

Also after the witches have been hanged, did you notice the executioner just walks off with the rest of the Salem townsfolk? Like isn't it HIS job to take care of the bodies? And what did they do with the bodies because the Sanderson sisters reappear looking pretty good for being dead for 300 years? 

Another question; how did the high school teacher know what became of Thackery Binx? She said in her story that "no one knew what became of him those 300 years ago." But she somehow mentioned he was turned into a cat, so at some point did Thackery talk to someone, and why didn't he ever try to talk to his parents? How did the rumor that he was turned into a cat start? 

After having been to Salem and seeing how unindustrious the city is, why did the Denisons move from LA to Salem? What kind of job did Dani's and Max's parents have? 

Have you guys ever noticed on salt cases that it says you can put a circle of salt around you and it'll ward off witches and bad boyfriends? Neither have I. Salem has some real weird salt containers. It's also a little pathetic when they're in the graveyard and instead of clearly drawing a circle around herself, Alison just flails the salt into the air like she's salting a Wendy's french fry. 

Side note, the whole bus scene as an adult is so so so suggestive but hilarious. 

I would like an origin story for the Sanderson sisters because they clearly don't look like each other. And if they are sisters, are their parents proud of them? Were they like those oblivious parents that just laughed everything off like, "oh Winnie, just cutting off dead men's toes again, and throwing it in cauldrons lawlz." Or were their parent's devil worshippers? 

The Sanderson sisters could've made it that night my friends, had Winnie not been all over killing Dani. There were plenty of other children to suck the lives out of but nope, she chose to make it difficult on herself and her sisters. 

Other than those things, I still think Hocus Pocus is a must during Halloween, it's amazing how much of a cult classic it has become and I pray that the second one that is released next year on Disney+ doesn't suck. The chemistry between Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy is fantastic and that's what I feel really makes the movie, and I hope they can bring it again in Hocus Pocus 2. 

Side note: BoxLunch has some super cute Hocus Pocus merch atm. 


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