Who Is The Watcher In What If?

Remember that end credit scene after Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 when Stan Lee is telling those three aliens about his alternate lives on Earth? "and then this other time I was a FedEx worker..." Yeah, those guys were "The Watchers." 

If you haven't seen the newest Marvel Disney + series What If... then you're probably wondering why we're even talking about them. At the end of the episode, we get introduced to the Watchers who explains that he watches over the timelines, and these various "what if..." timelines such as "what if Peggy Carter got the super soldier serum and not Steve Rogers?" 

I personally can't wait to hear Chadwick Boseman again as T'Challa again. 

The Watchers are the oldest species in the Universe, who look over events throughout the whole universe and don't touch anything and just let things play out, except this new Watcher who we met in What If... This series has introduced us to Uatu, who was a rebel and banished from the Watchers for interfering with events (he had good intentions). It appears he has gone rogue and is filling our little happy Marvel hearts with our dreams of seeing various characters and what might've happened if they played different roles. 

More on Uatu (if you're interested): 

Billions of years ago, Uatu decided he wanted to hang around Earth, and after billions of years of watching us, he grew a soft spot and wanted to help. He hangs out on a moon called the Blue Area and in modern times ran into the Fantastic Four and gave them hot tips of the future and who to look out for, and even let Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman honeymoon on his moon. How he got banished from the Watchers was by helping the Fantastic Four battle against Aron who is known as the "Rouge Watcher" who tried to destroy the universe by pretending to be Uatu. Uatu eventually took out Aron, which was against the Watcher code and that's how he got banished. 

Uatu also mingled with the timekeepers who gave him a portal so he could alternate timelines. Shady stuff. 

Anyway, I can't wait to continue to see the various alternate stories, I'm excited to see my favorite characters again before I'm introduced to so many new ones in these coming years from Marvel. I can't wait to share more knowledge with y'all and learn from you as I'm growing as a Marvel fan.  


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