Over and Over again: The Incredibles 1 and 2

Elastigirl: “Everyone is special, Dash.”
Dash: “That’s just another way of saying no one is.”

Oh but we all love this movie, and the one Disney movie where both parents are alive and happily married... well except for that moment when Elastigirl thought Mr. Incredible was cheating on her in the first movie with Mirage... Anyway, I had seen this movie a lot even before I had kids but here we are! Let's get into ten things that have crossed our minds when watching this incredible movie. 

One - Is Edna also an engineer? She makes super suits that are pretty amazing, she has to have some kind of engineering experience too, and where did she get it? How did superheroes find her to make their suits? Was she once a superhero herself or did she find them? 

Two - As someone who has worked in the media, and it sounding like Robert Parr has had issues trying to keep his identity a secret, how has no one written about it in newspapers? How is he not more well known? They have some crappy journalism where they live. You can't wipe out everyone's memory that may have seen something. 

Three - how many times have they had to change the Incredible's names? If they've had to move so many times, they must've changed their names at some points. 

Four - If Violet ends up continuing to date Tony, when does the whole "I'm a superhero" conversation come up? What would happen if they had kids? We know that two superheroes make more superheroes, but when only one parent is a superhero, will only half the kids have powers? 

Five - (and one that many have thought of) Did Helen not see Jack Jack change into a devil baby when Syndrome had him in his arms? I feel like Jack Jack has had quite some time to show off his powers to his parents and Helen really should've seen it when he attacked Syndrome. Jack Jack has been holding out man, he could've done something with the Underminer. 

Six - Do the super suits chafe like Spider-Mans suit? 

Seven - Even though Jack Jack is a complicated baby, wouldn't a baby who can run super-fast be even worse? As a parent, it just sounds awful, I can barely keep my baby away from the stairs. Then there's Violet who can disappear - how was Robert not prepared for Jack Jack? I know he's a whole new ballgame but he should be prepared in some way. 

Eight - I think for a moment there in Incredibles 2, they almost had Frozone (Samuel L Jackson) say "What the...." but then the scene ends. Kind of a nice nod to his famous swear that is also almost in Avengers: Infinity War. 

Nine - The movie is set in 1962, were there homes like the one Winston Deavor's owns in the 60s, with waterfalls in your home, floors that open, and a fireplace that comes from the ground? He even gives Elastagirl have an electric motorcycle. He's more up to date than Howard Stark! Who's the genius now? But seriously, there were many discoveries made by the Deavor's that were not shared with the world in the 60s. 

Ten - Did they have to build a fake resume for Mr. Increble to get the job at the insurance agency? Or was he just hired because they had to hire him? Was he even qualified for that job to begin with? 

These are the ten things I've noticed as a parent who has seen this over and over again. Have you noticed anything or thought of anything while watching the film? Also, I just realized Inside Out has two functioning parents in it. 


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