Are we supposed to hate or like John Walker?

I know, I know, at this point are we supposed to like John Walker? As soon as he graced us with his presence in The Falcon and Winter Soldier we just knew he was bad news. Only Steve and Sam should be owning the shield and anyone else is wrong, but then he redeemed himself when he saved those senators from death instead of seeking revenge on Karli - good for him. 

NOW as we learned at the end of the series, his new name is the U.S. Agent. Wow... cool... so what does this mean? Well his ego got fed a little when Val basically told him that a U.S. Agent was more important than having a Captain America **WRONG** But now that John Walker has been stripped of his military title and as Captain America, he can now be a mercenary without getting into trouble... sort of. Nothing good can come from a dude whose colors are red, white and black. (those are the colors of one of my favorite sports teams)

So what's next for John Walker? Who knows? Well, Marvel and Disney know and Wyatt Russell but post Sam Wilson becoming Captain America, there isn't a whole lot of who the U.S. Agent is going to be. 

In the comics, he was a bit of a second string for the Avengers when Steve Rogers was Captain America. He helped in Force Works which was a west coast version of the Avengers and really is a guy who wants to be a better person after doing some bad stuff. So are se supposed to like him after his new title as the U.S. Agent? We don't know. 


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